21 Mar 2025

The country is changing building regulations to make construction easier.

Building in Baden-Württemberg should be quick and, above all, easier. The state government of Baden-Württemberg may have taken a step in this direction.

Almost every stakeholder agrees: construction must be faster. In addition, regulations must be simplified and hurdles removed. The Baden-Württemberg cabinet recently approved an amendment to the building code that is intended to achieve this.

‘Residential construction is in crisis. Building is too complicated and too expensive. One factor here is government regulations and requirements. With our LBO reform, we want to change this: we want to switch the system from ‘control’ to ‘enablement’ and finally release the brakes on construction. To do this, we are simplifying and accelerating the procedures. This is the only way to get residential construction moving again,’ said Construction Minister Nicole Razavi in the ministry's press release.

The reform of the state building code covers four areas. The first is to optimise and accelerate the building permit process. This will be achieved by abolishing the objection procedure and introducing a presumption of approval and a type approval.

Specifically, this means that if there is still no decision after three months, a building application is automatically deemed to have been approved.

The second area is to reduce construction standards. The existing building is to be simplified, and the obligation to provide a children's playground is to be revised. A simplification of the distance regulation is also to be achieved.

In the third area, measures are to be taken to strengthen the building authorities and to improve the situation regarding skilled workers. Specifically, in the future there are to be minimum staffing requirements for the lower building authorities. This should also ensure the training and further education of building law administration and a nationwide standardised knowledge management system.

And the fourth area is to serve the expansion of renewable energies. Specifically, the construction of charging stations for electric cars should be facilitated.

When will the reform come into force?

After the hearing and the recent referral by the cabinet, the reform is to be submitted to the state parliament. The aim is for the parliament to pass the reform before the end of 2025.

How is the reform being received?

‘The introduction of type approval is an important step in accelerating modular and sustainable housing construction. It brings enormous advantages, especially for standardised construction concepts such as tiny houses, because lengthy approval processes are reduced. This makes it much easier for us as developers to implement affordable living space efficiently and flexibly. This reform strengthens innovative forms of living and makes it easier for municipalities and investors to implement sustainable construction projects,’ says Fabian Müller, managing director of Vilcomo GmbH & Co. KG.

Portrait Matthias Jundt
Matthias Jundt
PR Manager
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